The European Defence Fund has granted 4 million Euro funding to three-year project: SWARM-C3 (Command, Control and Communications for Multi-X Swarms).
The main objective of SWARM-C3 is to develop a novel Concept of Operations for the management of swarms of autonomous uncrewed systems, such as drone swarms, for defence missions on land, at sea, and in the air.
The project involves five partners from four European countries. Two Finnish partners are Insta and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland as a project coordinator.
Insta contributes the project with its expertise on C2 systems, swarming and autonomous swarms. In the project, Insta researches and develops concepts that can be used to maximize the performance of autonomous swarms, for example to obtain the best possible situational awareness. The concepts include the planning, formation and execution of the tasks of several co-operating swarms in cooperation between the swarms and the operators working with them.
The European Defence Fund (EDF) is the European Commission's instrument to support Research and Development in defence. The EDF supports companies across EU to develop competitive and collaborative defence projects that will deliver innovative and interoperable defence technologies and equipment. The Fund has a budget of nearly €8 billion for 2021-2027. EDF main goals are to promote cooperation between companies and research institutes and help EU companies develop cutting-edge and interoperable defence technologies and equipment.
Insta has previously been involved in following EDF projects:
iMUGS (integrated Modular Unmanned Groud System) project that was operating under the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP).
Enhanced Pilot Interfaces & Interactions for fighter Cockpit (EPIIC).
Read more about the SWARM-C3 project.
Read more about Insta’s competence in swarm intelligence and autonomous behavior.
Read more about Insta's expert services for defence sector.