Data moves in thin abstract lines

Competitiveness and sustainable development powered by AI and data-analytics.

AI and data analytics

Insta’s artificial intelligence and data analytics services help industrial companies succeed in the changing world. Our aim is to improve your competitiveness in terms of time, money, quality, sustainability, security, and customer satisfaction.

Uncover new insights and discover your potential

The future of the industry is in artificial intelligence and data analytics because they enable efficient as well as sustainable operations. The best competitiveness is achieved when you can use data to do more and see the farthest.

We will lead you to new insights and put you in control regardless of whether you are still just looking for solutions for data utilization or you have already made good progress with developing them. We understand industrial environments and know our way around modeling data systems from local hardware to cloud and edge computing. With us, you get to partner with a market leader in automation and electrification that develops industrial core functions while taking care of information security.

Blue AI wave

Applications of artificial intelligence in industry

Our key applications for AI and data analytics include establishing an industrial situational picture, identifying deviations, and determining holistic optimal conditions for production as well as its components. The available potential always varies by customer, and there are several examples of practical implementations:

In manufacturing industry, the insights are related to areas such as OEE calculation, production sequence optimization, choice of parameters and recipes, and the quality assurance of raw materials and finished products. In the energy sector, one use case is the optimization of distributed systems while taking into account production and consumption as well as the prevailing conditions, such as the electricity market and weather.

A person looks at industrial data from a tablet in a factory environment, where robot arms are welding.

Lifecycle optimization and development

In process industry, areas for improvement may include the stabilization and measurement of process performance, optimization of the use of consumables and raw materials, and the prevention of unplanned outages. For the paper industry, the typical development needs include the prevention of surprising production outages as well as the optimization of the life cycle of fixed assets.

With Insta, the customer always owns the data and the platform. We work with various providers and help the customer utilize the solutions that are available on the market. In addition, we will ensure that the AI and data analytics solutions comply with the European legislation on the data economy as well as the NIS2 cyber directive.

We can help you utilize AI and data analytics when you want to:

  • get better results: optimize processes, reduce waste, and boost productivity.

  • improve quality: detect and anticipate errors and deviations, get recommendations on corrective measures, and generate consistent results.

  • boost maintenance efficiency: anticipate faults and maintenance needs and avoid unexpected outages.

  • establish a situational picture: stay on top of things and one step ahead.

  • utilize data more easily: make the systems serve the users and generate actionable reports.

  • respond to electricity market rates: optimize your operations continuously and proactively.

  • control and develop a system of facilities: operate the different facilities in an optimal way considering the big picture.

  • boost the efficiency of manual work: utilize tacit knowledge and implement corrective measures.

  • help people succeed: free up human resources, help make better decisions, and reduce the burden of routines.

  • develop services and innovations: gain a deeper understanding of your customers’ needs and behavior.

  • demonstrate sustainability: utilize a set of metrics in order to demonstrate sustainable development.

The process of applying AI and data analytics

It all starts with the definition of concrete goals and the current situation. Next, we will prioritize the benefits and costs – you will always know where to start and why. The utilization of AI involves trying out different things, and value creation can be established only after you have collected enough data.

When you need to utilize the data generated by a factory environment and combine several different sources, in most cases you will get the quickest results with our data platform. The platform enables value creation in just weeks in contrast with development projects that can span several months or even years. We also implement secure and reliable data analytics solutions on existing platforms.

AI and data analytics solutions are developed in iterative cycles. This helps guide the work in the correct direction as well as avoid incorrect assumptions and expensive one-time investments. It also enables keeping up with the changing needs. This yields benefits that outweigh the development costs many times over – in the case of better production efficiency, for example, this happens almost immediately.

A black digital tunnel with blue lines and other elements.

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