prehospital emergency care and new feature for public automatic external defibrillators

22 - 3 - 2023 - News

Insta’s technology supports emergency medical services

Situational picture

As Finland’s first, Insta introduced a new functionality for public automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) that improves safety by supporting prehospital emergency care. The AEDs located in three public squares in Tampere are now equipped with a remote-activated audible alarm and flashing indicator light that make them easier to spot in the urban environment in a time of need. The functionality was implemented in close collaboration with Sydänturva, which supplied the AEDs, and the Emergency Medical Services of Pirkanmaa wellbeing services county.

Insta’s situational awareness system, Insta Blue Aware, enables combining different data sources in order to establish a shared situational picture between the different authorities and actors. The system makes it possible to remotely control various pieces of equipment – in this case, the remote control was applied to the AEDs. The functions can be activated on a map in Insta Blue Aware with the push of a button, and adding the remote capabilities to the system is easy and safe.

The AEDs located at Laukontori Square, Tammelantori Square, and Tampere Central Square are designed for use by the general public in case of emergency. All three work in the same way. When there is an emergency, EMS field commanders can set the AEDs to alarm mode, which makes it quicker and easier to find them and, thereby, get help in time.

– My idea for this functionality grew out of the idea to further improve the safety of residents and those visiting the city. The way I see it, it is possible to support field commanders’ work with intelligent solutions that are specifically designed for a genuine need in collaboration with different parties, explains EMS Field Commander Teemu Knuutila from Emergency Medical Services of Pirkanmaa wellbeing services county.

– Public access AEDs that are placed outdoors and available 24/7 comprise a major area in the improvement of cardiac safety in Finland. The collaboration concerning the functionality added to the situational awareness system was a natural extension of the work started in Tampere. We hope that this functionality is a good example of how technology can increase safety, says Teemu Piispanen from Sydänturva.

– Our Insta Blue Aware system was made widely available in the three-year SURE (Smart Urban Security and Event Resilience) project that was finished recently. The objective of the SURE project was to improve urban and event security through the development of smart security solutions. I am glad to say that the collaboration brought about by the project will be continued in new ways in the future, says Senior Business Development Manager Sari Mäenpää from Insta.

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