
17 - 11 - 2020 - News

Insta helps Gripen aircrew improve performance

Insta has signed an agreement with the Swedish defence and security company Saab for delivering Insta ANR Active Noise Reduction system for Gripen E and F fighters for the Swedish Air Force and the Brazilian Air Force.


Saab has been looking for a better hearing protection solution for fighter pilots since traditional hearing protection does not perform well in low-frequency military aviation noise environment.

Insta ANR offers a solution that reduces noise exposure of aircrew while also improving the intercom intelligibility and aircrew performance by reducing the effects of noise on focus and decision-making.

– Insta ANR is the only available solution that meets today's requirements for aviation hearing protection. Passive protection is not efficient enough for the new Gripen helmet because they do not perform well in low-frequency, Richard Rosengren, Assistant Technical Manager, Saab.

Insta and Saab have worked with Insta ANR in collaboration since 2018. Saab has tested the device in laboratory and Insta and Saab have together developed the product to meet Saab’s requirements. With this agreement, Insta delivers devices to Saab for installing into Gripen helmets.

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