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Insta’s managed PKI services securing 5G in the US for five years already

 Insta has been contributing to the security of the CBRS (Citizens Broadband Radio Service) ecosystem from the very beginning. Five years ago, we were the first WInnForum (Wireless Innovation Forum) approved root CBRS Root CA Operator to start providing Managed CBRS Service for the CBRS ecosystem.  

Major international equipment vendors and service providers trust Insta’s managed PKI services. We have been offering the Managed CBRS Service as one of our secure identity services for five years providing our customers secure and easy way to issue and manage their CBRS Certificates (SAS, DP, CBSD, and CPI).

Insta has been contributing to the security of the CBRS (Citizens Broadband Radio Service) ecosystem from the very beginning. Five years ago, we were the first WInnForum (Wireless Innovation Forum) approved root CBRS Root CA Operator to start providing Managed CBRS Service for the CBRS ecosystem. Today, leading CBRS equipment vendors and service providers are using our CBRS certificates in their solutions and services. Our expertise in these services is supported by commitment in product development and our vast experience with PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) services.

– Insta’s Mangaged CBRS Service is excellent proof of our ability to operate and compete in international markets serving both small and large organizations, says Marko Hautakangas, vice president, Cyber Security.

We are a strong expert in secure digital identity, including managed PKI services, code signing services and digital key management services. The trustworthiness and security of our PKI services has also been recognized by the renowned WebTrust certificate. We have decades of experience in high-level security solutions for our clients in critical infrastructure, finance, security and government sectors.

See our CBRS references.

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